Monday, May 2, 2011

Day 3


Ahhh, getting ready for bed. What happened today?

I was up at 6 and did boot camp at 6:30. It wasn't so bad. Felt very invigorating; not any worse than waking up at 6 usually is.. :-)

After that I came home, showered, salt water flushed. Out the door by 9:30, taught a private (language lesson) at 10:30 for an hour, and was at work from 12-7pm. Teaching on a Monday was pretty much the same as always. I wasn't really tired, just bored of having only lemon juice to eat on breaks. I think part of what happens when we fast is that we realize how much food is entertainment for us a lot of the time. Easy to get out of touch with our true hunger rhythyms.

After work I went to the sauna. Did some sweating out of toxins, then got a scrub down (most of body skin loofahed off by ajumma.) That was a delight as usual (it's always worth it in the end).. came home, had a bit of fresh juice. Did a yoga session, now drinking my tea and thinking how fast the day went. Monday is slain! Yeah hooray.

Time for some shut eye. ~. ^

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